COFAX 2.3 is out !

Version 2.3 is out and corrects many bugs
What's really new in COFAX 2.3 :
- integration of JTIDY for cleaning HTML on the fly ;
- integration of TinyMCE as embeded editor ;
- integration of JSTL (used for RSS parsing, for example);
- running MySQL 5 and TOMCAT 5 (and still works on MySQL 4 and TOMCAT 4)
- adding some new package tags ;
- complete redesign of the page cache system ;
- complete new back-office templates (with some old disabled features ) ;
- new FileServlet design, which enables to deliver human readable filenames to attached files keeping the actual filename storing policy ;
- IP Filtering to check if a client can access to private sections ;
- customizable user and article image folder.