Installing the MS SQL Server CDW

Install MS SQL Server drivers (note they are not performance tested) from this address. Copy the MS SQL Server JDBC jar files, located in the lib directory where you installed the drivers, to $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/content/WEB-INF/lib. Extract cdw_ms.zip to a temporary directory. This file is included with the distribution. If you are a developer, the contents of this zip are located at $PROJECT_HOME/apps/cdw_ms. Create a new database in SQL Server called "goon" (don't ask). Run the goon.sql file included in cdw_ms.zip while using the goon database. You can do so either by: - Connecting to your server with Query Analyzer and opening the file.
- Or by running a command line isql command using the file: isql -i goon.sql. Note, you must execute this command while the command prompt is in the same directory as the goon.sql file.
Import your startup data by opening Enterprise Manager for SQL Server, choosing the goon database, right clicking, choosing 'All Tasks', choosing Import Data. Pick Microsoft Access from the Source drop down. Use the ellipsis (...) button to locate the Access database named populateGoon.mdb you extracted from cdw.zip. Click Next. Choose the server you created the goon database on, type in your username/password, choose the goon database. Click Next. Choose 'Copy Table(s)' from the options presented and click Next. Click Select All. Click Next. Keep the default 'Run Immediately'. Click Next. If you have a SQL Server alias called LOCALHOST (see above), are using sa and blank password for testing, have installed Tomcat to d:\usr\local\tomcat, skip next step. Edit the Cofax config file for database access. $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/content/WEB-INF/web.xml. If you are a developer, instead edit $PROJECT_HOME/apps/content/WEB-INF/web.xml and run ant. Start Tomcat. Run the $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/startup.bat command. |