Creating or Editting Sections

Last Updated: 2002/May/03

  1. "Section Code" is an identifier you will identify stories sent in via a feed as belonging to this mapping code. If you don't know what it is, make it match "Section URL" or type in a random string.

  2. "Section Folder" is the URL folder a section will appear in. For example... For either or the "Section Folder" should be "frontpage". This can be a multifolder path such as "sports/eagles" for URLs such as or

  3. "Section Description" is what appears in the tools' pooldown menus. It's a long description of the section for display purposes.

  4. Select a "Parent section" to signify what section this category or mapping code belongs to. Leave this at the default for root Sections.

  5. "Section Image URL" is the section image that appears on the top of the section pages. When using the template publication tools, images automatically go into (where is the publication name of your site.) Note: The cofax standard is to use the full url for the image path. This makes it more flexible. However, images entered for sites that had templates constructed before 10/10/2000 should not change their image URL. It will break until your templates are adjusted to reflect the full URL.

  6. "Supplementary Images Directory" is the path to the folder where you store additional images to be used in this section. ie:

  7. "Rank (1-999)" determines the rank of the section as it will appear in the navigation, if you are using the getNavigation package tag.

  8. Type in a value for "URL" if you are using the GetNavigation package tag to generate you navigation, this URL will be the URL that the section name links to. You don't need to enter anything here if your section is a regular daily section in cofax. For weekly cofax content, you can enter a URL such as, which will take you to the most recent Wednesday food section.

  9. The three "Make Selection" bars enable a a user to text search through various components. Note that the text field where you type your desired search string is limited to fifty characters. Use the "Contains" bar in the middle to choose what type of search operation you would like to perform (is, is not, contains, does not contain). Note that when you choose the "Body" parameter from the "Make Selection" bar you are limited to "Contains" and "Does Not Contain."

  10. If "Display on Index" is checked, it will be displayed when you use the getNavigation package tag.

  11. "Include" is one of two fields that can be called onto a section front. When using the proper tags, the include for a section can be included on that section. This helps to reduce custom template usage.

  12. "Promo" is one of two fields that can be called onto a section front. When using the proper tags, the include for a section can be included on that section. This helps to reduce custom template usage.

  13. Click "Save Section" to save or create this section.