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Admin Guide


> Security Overview

Security consists of Users, Groups, Group Types, and Publications.
  • A User has a group(s).
  • A Group has a type.
  • A Group has a publication(s).
Groups can be an amalgamation of any publications, but can have only one type.

Group Types determine what securities access users of a group will have. The default GroupTypes are: Low Level Editors, Publishers, National Admins, and Regional Admins. You, however, do not need to use these and can set up your own. Remember that each group type should have a specific level of access to the system, with access being more liberal as you climb the responsibility ladder. Each type should have access only to those functions pertinent to the group type.

Users can posess any amount of groups.

The security page is simply a grid of check boxes for Cofax functions and Group Types. To edit the security levels for a Group Type simply check or uncheck the correct box and click the Edit Security button to save your changes.


> Clearing the Tools Cache

The Clear Tools Cache link exists as a precaution only, and allows manual clearing of the results cache in case results are stored past the point of a change. The tools currently cache certain database query results in order to avoid repetitive calls to the database. Which queries are cached is determined by a column in the tbltoolspackagetags table named "cache." The determination of caching is boolean, so if a 1 is in the cache column of a particular row, then that query's results will be cached. A 0 value means that no caching is done. This cache is cleared upon all events that affect stored queries, such as: "edit_publication", "edit_section", etc.


> Creating or Editing Article Tyes

These are instructions for using the Article Types tab on the Cofax Editor's Tools page. To create a new Article Type simply fill in the form. To edit an Article Type select one from the pulldown menu and change the desired fields. In either case, when you are done just click on the Save Article Type icon and your changes will be saved in the Cofax system.

Required Fields

  • In the Primary Section drop down choose the section in which the columnist will be primarily displayed.

  • Article Type Code signifies a string that is used in articles sent in the feed that identify the article as belonging to this article type. If you do not know what that string is, simply repeat the Article Type URL Folder here.

  • Article Type Description is a long description of the article type for display purposes.

  • Article Type URL Folder is the URL folder a article type will appear in. For example, for either or the Article Type URL Folder should be gshister.

Optional Fields

  • Article Type Title is the title you wish displayed with this article type.

  • Article Type Byline is the name of the article's author.

  • Article Type E-mail is the email address of the author.

  • Article Type Lead In is a flexible-use field that can be called on any columnist template. Generally, it contains the title of the column, followed by the byline, i.e. "TVTALK | Gail Shister." If the column does not have a title, repeat the byline in this field. Do not leave it blank.

  • Article Type Footer can be any standing information about the columnist or article type that can then be called in the columnist template.

  • Article Type Bio is the bio or any information related to the author.

  • Disable will disable any articles associated with the article type.

  • Type in a full Image URL to an image you wish to accompany the columnist's articles.


> Creating or Editing a Group

Groups allows the creation or editing of a group.

To create a group, give it a Group Name and a Group Description. Select a Group Type from the drop down menu. Be sure to select a group type with the proper level of security access. Next, select at least one publication (multiple is OK, too) from the Publications to choose from and click Move Up. Finally, click on Save Group.

To edit a group, choose the desired group from the drop down menu and click Select Group. Make the necessary changes and click on Save Group.


> Creating or Editing a User

Users allows the creation or editing of a user.

To create a new user, simply fill in at least the required fields. The required fields are: User Name, User Password, User Password Again, First Name, Last Name, Home Publication. Lastly, the new user must be assigned to at least one user group in the User Groups section.

To edit an existing user, select the desired person from the drop down menu and click Select User.

In either case, when you are done simply click Save User.


> Creating or Editing a Group Type

Group Types allows the creation or editing of a group type. A group type determines what level of security access that type has for actions within Cofax. For example, and editor can edit all aspects of articles and associated materials.

To create a group type simply fill in the Group Type Name and a Group Type Description. The description will generally be a list of the tasks a group type is able to perform. When you're done just click Save Group Type.

To edit a Group Type, select one from the drop down menu and click Select Group Type. Change what needs to be changed and click Save Group Type.


> Creating or Editing a Publication

Publications are the highest level of organization within the CMS other than Site. Sites are configured per-instance of the CDS/CMS.

A publication has Article Types and Sections associated with it.

Because publications contain many sensitive configurations, access can be restricted using the CMS's security mechanisms. See the security page for details on configuring your security settings.

A publication can either be created or edited on this page. In either case, the instructions are virtually the same.

If you wish to edit an existing publication, select it from the drop down menu and click Select Publication . You can then edit the fields you want to change. When you are done click the Save Publication icon and your changes will be saved.

If you wish to create a new publication simply fill in all of the required fields and any of the optional ones you desire.
When you are done click Save Publication and your publication will be created.

Below is a short explanation of each required field. A screenshot showing the fields filled in for the Heartland Crier, the toy publication of Cofax, should be able to clear up any questions you might have.

Required Fields

All fields under "Required Publication Properties" must have values in order for a publication to be active.

Pub ID is assigned by the system automatically.

Publication is a short description for the publication

Pub Description is the value that will appear in CMS drop downs and be usable by template creators.

Publication Name is the URL folder and string identifier that is used for any articles to be imported via the feed.

Tagline is the publication's tagline.

Rollover Time is a number from 1 to 24 (military time, where 24=midnight) that identifies when the CDS should show the next day's stories.

Default Section signifies the URL path of the default section the CDS should redirect to.

Use Date in URL signifies whether to insert today's date folder into the URL of the default section when redirecting.

Home Page is the full URL of the homepage. This can be used by template editors

Domain Name is a domain name that can be used by template editors.

URL of Main Publication to Templates Folder is the root URL of the CDS, excluding the publication folder.

URL of the Main Publication Images Folder is the root URL of the location of static resources such as images.

Cache Servers is a comma delimited list of servers that the CMS will use to clear CDS caches.

Optional Sections

If you have configured your site to conform with the P3P protocol (for more information see you'll need to supply Cofax with some information. All fields must be filled in for this section to be valid.

Additionally, your publication can be configured to import content and/or export images via FTP. This is an optional configuration, but, if you choose to use this, all fields must be filled in for the information to be valid. If you have not filled in one of the fields you will be prompted to go back and fill in the missing information.

Below is a list with a short explanation of each field in its respective section:

P3P Privacy Policy

P3P Compact Policy is your compact policy statement, which will go into the HTTP headers from your site.

Policy Ref File is the location of the XML file containing your full privacy policy.

Content Import Thru FTP

Import Server FTP Address is the address of the remote machine running the FTP server.

Import Server Login is the user name on the FTP server.

Import Server Password is the user's password.

Import Folder Location is the folder on the remote machine holding the content you wish to import.

Remote Server Uploading

Live Server FTP Address is the address of the live Cofax production server.

Live Server Login is the user name for the FTP server on the live Cofax production server.

Live Server Password is that user's password.

Live Server Folder Location is the folder on the server where you want to store your images.


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